First Step


After years of practicing martial arts, we have had the opportunity to cross paths and share experiences with different people from various martial backgrounds and different levels of experience but with one thing in common: the passion and love for Budo.

And this is what encouraged the creation of Budo Cool. A group of people with two passions in common, visual design and martial arts, who decided to unite both passions with one goal: to improve the visual expressions of martial arts away from typical and boring stereotypes.

Similary, we started our collaboration with Yoshin Project.
After some "flirting" online, giving each other likes, we decided to meet in the real world, step on the tatami together and then, over tasty ramen and cold Ebisu beer, we agreed to start our collaboration.

Our projects share close inceptions. Yoshin project started sharing and creating traditional martial arts content 7 years ago, urged to create a counterweight to the huge amount of content on social networks focused exclusively on the violent and entertaining facet of fighting sports.

Budo Cool was inspired by the satiety of mediocre and stereotypical visual representations of traditional martial arts ... Budo studies the aesthetics and shape beauty, so why can't I find interesting graphics to represent it ?!

So during a meeting in a small yakitori joint in Meguro, and perhaps confused by the smoke from the grill and energized by the sake, with the support of the Yoshin Project, we decided to embark on our most ambitious project.

A glance online would make it appear that traditional martial arts are declining in favor of violence and spectacle. but around the world there are millions of people who train, study, teach and live traditional Budo daily.
Using old and new contacts we decided to get on a plane and travel looking for those who, regardless of their style, nationality, gender or age, passionately live their love for Budo.

We have just returned from our first exploration trip, with memory cards full, with hours of material but above all with extraordinary experiences and new friends with whom to talk about martial arts.  

Budo is ... global, it knows no borders, and those who live it know no limits. We have been fortunate that the doors of incredible dojos were opened to us, we were able to introduce other practitioners of different but similar arts and we were able to sit down with people with passion, heart and dedication to follow the path of Budo.

And this is just the beginning, we are Walking the path.

Follow all our content and Yoshin Project for more news.
Visit our store, we work for the love of Budo, but some support it’s appreciated.

carlos sosa